
The philosophy as critical activity – the one that is a preconception? Of some examples, explaining because reason is preconceptions. – For that end needed arguments in the philosophy? – The one that necessary to accept to be able to have a critical attitude? – Which is the difference between justifying our personal answers and having a critical attitude? 5. DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY? COMMENTARY the teacher when initiating the lesson, complimented its pupils, placed the date in the chalk picture, it made the call, and it asked for to that made one I circulate in the classroom to initiate with a dynamics of group before initiating the lesson properly said. The group dynamics is a thematic one to facilitate the learning, beyond opening or waxing any type of lesson or event. The thought of Leminski introduces the dynamics ' ' eye in olho' ' , sending to an analysis introspective of itself exactly and the other (MIRANDA, 1996, P. 33). From this organization of the space of the classroom the teacher distributed the material that was used, for each pupil.

This evidenced the planning the care of the teacher so that each pupil had the content as script for the developed lesson. The importance To plan before acting, to distribute the contents for the available time, is emphasized by Lebanon professor when it affirms that: The teaching action goes gaining effectiveness, to the measure that the professor goes accumulating and enriching experiences, when dealing with the concrete situations of education. This means that, to plan, the professor if serves, of a side, of the knowledge of the didactic processes and of the methodologies you specify of the substances and another one, of its proper practical experience (1991, P. 225). This cited material previously was constituted of a leaf where it was the text: ' ' What it is Filosofia' ' that he appears attached to the plan of lesson previously presented.

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