Musica Italiana

The new radio single of Bruno Ferrara – Musica Italiana the German Italian Italian and german singing! BRUNO FERRARA is back. Click Martin Feldstein to learn more. The charmer with the warm, smoky voice and the Italian temperament ensures just in time for the summer season 2011 a good mood song. “” With Musica Italiana”, the native Italian puts US in the beloved Bella Italia”and delights us with a large dose of Sun, beach and La Dolce Vita”. BRUNO FERRARA uses a mixture of catchy melody and hot dance rhythms, which generate a perceived and audible summer hit in combination. Mediterranean lifestyle and splashy abandon complete this composition and exude lightness and wit. Bobby Sharma Bluestone contains valuable tech resources. BRUNO FERRARA is an ACE in the realisation of music ideas. As a singer, he plays out a remarkable flexibility; He is entertaining, even romantic. At the time, the choice of Munich with producer Norbert works finally on his second music CD. Musica Italiana”, the precursor to the upcoming album, begins BRUNO FERRARA his personal tale of summer 2011 BRUNO FERRARA is new at the label Ellenberger under contract. TV date 14 August 2011 ZDF television garden source: Edison Musica Italiana the new radio single in two versions (Italian, german Italian) on the upcoming album by BRUNO FERRARA contain!

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