In study carried through with 1.451 establishments, Frondizi (1998) salient that the ambient concerns of the great and average commercial establishments are how much the reduction of gases and atmospheric emissions. Salient, also, that its ambient action is moved in intention to get the licensing, as well as taking care of the current law in the country. Finally, it can be affirmed that the ambient action of the commercial establishments, revealed through the implantation of the ecologically correct stamp, searchs to rationalize the use of the natural resources and to reduce the sum of dejections and residues returned to the environment, contributing, with this, for the sustainable development. 4. Consideraes Final the majority of the searched authors sees the certification or creation of SEC ambient (Selo Ecologicamente Correto) as a competitiveness differential, that it will make possible to the establishments commercial to reduce its costs of production saw rationalization of the productive processes and raw material substitution, reducing, with this, the use of natural resources. Moreover, it will make possible that the establishment creates a green image next to its customers. The example of that the behavior of the owners of Brazilian commercial establishments as bars, restaurants and snack bars, how much the ambient questions, are if modifying, it can be found in the research carried through for Frondizi (1998). The study sample that around 85% of the searched establishments, in one shows of 1.451, adopts some type of associated procedure the ambient management in its activities, such as recycling, disposal of residues, control of noises, among others.
Such results show that the concerns how much the ambient questions are increasing. Therefore, from pressures of consumers, ONGs, Associations, Projects of incentive and too much public and private institutions, the commercial establishments start to be worried about the possible ones deriving ambient degradaes of the production and consumption of its goods and services. In this direction the isolated actions of the ambiently correct entrepreneurs contribute so that if it reaches a sustainable development.