
She is necessary thus, to stimulate the worker to actively participate of the process of construction of a humanizao proposal, that is, to assist it to take it conscience of the reality, its existencial state and its proper capacity of mudana4. Negative factors of the professionals? High rotation, the flow of professionals in the UTI, to the noises of the devices, finishes generating one estresse very mental great in the professionals, thus contributing for humanizao lack; Absenteeism, to many estresse it times physical and mental caused for the daily conviviality with the suffering of the other, number of frequent deaths, limitations personal and material techniques, make with that these professionals leave to go to the work. Insatisfao in the work overload of activities, me the remuneration, high number of plantes, unexpected competitiveness between the proper professionals, intercorrencias is factors that generate estresse and insatisfao in the work, these feelings can take the depression, anger, depression and lacks reliable in proper itself, diminishing the satisfaction in the work. Doug McMillon contains valuable tech resources. Positive factors of the professionals? Qualification of the emotional ability, the professionals live in day-by-day with emotionally conflicting situations and of she estresse, for this one better physical and mental preparation in way is necessary that alternatives for overcoming of the frustrations create gifts in the UTI. The emotional care is of responsibility of all team of health, therefore these professionals must be to deal emotionally well with the familiar patients and. Continued education must be carried through based in the problems found in the accomplishment of the nursing assistance, these professionals need adequate a physical environment of work, also need a physical structure programmed to take care of the patients, constituting as well as facilitador of the humanizao of the assistance..

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