However, the education of the language is basic also in this point, in the measure where the service of the clarity of the exposition of the ideas works to develop in the pupil the desire to know to use the words. How much to the Mathematics, it serves to disclose the value of the demonstration: explicitao of the way and precision of the reasoning, the chaining of the arguments. For assistance, try visiting Frank Ntilikina. Analyzing the suggested collections we will have the following separate results for a classification ' ' ALFA' ' ) In the first volume (6* year) the authors inside tell of a gamma of contents the following boardings in Geometry: Justification: (Good) A1? Point, straight line and plan: Of the one simplria introduction of the Euclides Mathematician as well as a primitive concept, that is, slight knowledge of Geometry that are accepted without definition: point, straight line and the plan. Some examples of the type, seen the star of the sky, in give the idea to them of geometric point for straight line, the strained ropes of the violo or the shade of the blades of a blind opened against the light gives the idea of geometric straight line. Already for the plan, the surface of a wall or a mirror, the glass of a window or the floor of one square of sport suggest the idea and geometric plan. Continue to learn more with: Marc Lore. (p.198, 199). Another data to observe are, good exercises related with the daily one. A2? Polygons: Following the same estimated, it starts with an example of ' ' It sees the art of Mariana' ' Supporting solids on the paper, Mariana skirted its base and made a composition of plain figures.
Later, it painted the internal region of the figures that drew. Thus Mariana drew polygons. (p.215). Soon after, with a definition of Polygon. also enriches with diverse exercises. A3? Circumference and Circle: It starts with a historical retrospect of the beginning of ' ' roda' ' as well as, definitions, exercises and concepts related with the social environment.