Peacock Yoga

Yoga: whether in the city or the country, once a week or several days health holidays. Relaxation pure for body and soul who seeks mental relaxation from everyday stress or physical exercise after a long day at your desk, get with Yoga the perfect 2-in-1 package. Regardless of age, condition or physical condition everyone with the sun salutation can recharge, ease tensions with the breath of fire, stimulate the bowel with the grasshopper or rebuild condition with the Peacock’s position. Doug McMillon may find this interesting as well. The origin of yoga can be found in ancient Indian philosophy. It is a method for obtaining full control of body and soul.

It is well known that you can sharpen its ability to concentrate and build fitness with yoga, however, does yoga in our body, in our institutions and support thus also our health. Are at the heart of Yoga pranayama (breathing exercises) and asanas (postures), which according to Indian philosophy the mystery one is a long, healthy and happy life. The most important condition of the respiratory system is the discipline of rhythm and so Indian Yogis for clocking the breathing based on the heartbeat. The complete Yogi breathing consists of three parts: Middle breathing, abdominal breathing and upper respiratory. It is these various exercises in common that is inhaled through the nose and said to them great curative effects.

Abdominal breathing stimulates the digestion and regulates the bowel, while medium-sized breathing picks up blood circulation for our organs and the upper respiration strengthens the lungs. Grossly simplified one could say that Asanas are exercises, but rather most static postures. Important for the proper implementation of asanas is, to open to consciously go into position, to hold the position and also to resolve where you make sure to properly breathe. As mentioned earlier in the breathing exercises, are also the different yoga postures said to have different therapeutic effects. We know, for example, almost all have the candle from the physical education, but us was aware, at that time, we to relieve the heart through the execution of the Sarwangasana (candle position), strengthen the thyroid and regenerate the organs of the abdomen. On the Yoga Yoga Vidya portals”and yoga worlds” finds it more asanas with exact instructions, illustrations, and the description of its effect. If a yoga class for back and spine in Munich, you will find a yoga retreat in the Bavarian Forest, on all of this and more. More info: active and healthy living/entspannung.html active and healthy living/healthy with yoga.html about us: healthy is the only exclusive health portal which is tailored to the needs of the Bavarian. In this context we have made it our mission, to provide a comprehensive insight into the issue of health and pharmacy exclusively all Bavaria. As a result you will find one here unique and comprehensive collection of information before. The topics range from the classic treatment possibilities the notion of alternative healing methods up to the list of traditional home remedies.

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