The presentations of Royce Gracie are a good example, where it and the adversary most of the time leave clean, without no scratch, let us see the case where he faced the gigantic Dan Severn he made and it to give up only with a strangulation, not leaving an only trauma. This situation does not exist in the MMA, its athletes has the immobilized hands with bands and gloves, thus, beyond protected of injuries, also becomes in a powerful weapon, a time that favors the power of ' ' punch' ' , this contributes to take advantage the aggressive game of Trocao and Ground and Pound, in damage of traditional way of the soft arts. One is about a commercial event that lives of profit, therefore, the necessary MMA of advertising and for this needs to present emotive fights, with intense movement and aggressive plasticity, full of joelhadas, caneladas, kicks and cotoveladas in the face, beyond socos, that is, the fights are true commercial products of the violence. For more information see this site: Comedian. This is not part of the characteristics of the JJB, that is an art whose strategy is based on the cadence (the technique of the JJB not if manifest in an only explosive action, but in a coordination of mediate actions and low intensity), ininterruptividade (one JJB fight does not allow to be interrupted and to be restarted of the zero, therefore it consists of the work of progression of the positions) and sense of chance (the technique possesss a time certain to be applied, being necessary to wait its moment). Moreover, the actions developed in the JJB are little pleasant aesthetic (to see two marmanjos of pyjamas-kimono grasping themselves she is very flat) and of low visual perception (it is a kinaesthetic art, as much that a deficient appearance practises the JJB best that many people endowed with vision), what it demands certain level of maturity technique to understand the dynamics of its fight, profile this that is not present in the general public of the MMA, formed for laypeople, whose expectation is only the emotion of the entertainment. .