South American Republic

When I lived in Manhattan, I opened a checking account in the Citibank of Park Avenue with 32. Without even looking at the passport, employee of the window automatically wrote next to my name: country, Mexico. Until the Olympic Games of Barcelona, Americans did not begin to know in small doses that Spain was in Europe, continent that neither impresses them as a whole. Americans spend so much of what happens beyond its borders that the Baseball League finals called world series and the winner of the NBA consider him world champion. Therefore, nor annoyed me years before, in Seattle, in explaining that Spain was not any South American Republic.

I was concerned a little more when someone allegedly aware, told me: you, of course, were allies of France during the second war world I was speechless and only was right to answer: well no. Spain has not participated in the large international contests. Our specialty is the kill us among ourselves; why we dedicate ourselves more to the civil wars. Until my interlocutor, restore I added: by the way: our last foreign war was precisely against you, to account for Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. But that one hundred years ago.

You are kidding me. At all. And you know, for your peace of mind, that war you won it. None of us remembers such conflict that, if anything, our great grandfathers lived. But there it is, in the collective unconscious, the ominous loss of the last Spanish colonial remains before the budding Yankee imperialism of the time. The American people ignored that and almost everything else that happens in the USA, said, because the United States is in itself a vast continent that neither own Americans have time to know. Who has ever been in North Dakota, where there are no are potential nor losing is by the way? All this paraphernalia typically American to sing the national anthem before sporting events, lined with starry flags competitions for rodeo or learn in school whole chapters of the Constitution is not a… strain of patriotism, but the conviction of that what better to be an American citizen? That is something by which the grandparents and great-grandparents of today Americans; have fought It is what sucks the million Lake of new citizens are naturalized each year, which is what they dream of the hundreds of thousands of wet backs clandestinely crossing the border with Mexico every year. Send its troops to Iraq, or Somalia, or the island of Grenada, is therefore, for the Americans, carry with them the concept of freedom of culture, understanding of life that do not understand that someone may not share. To us, on the other hand, such banner without coming to story, so much complacency Hollywood movies, so much unsolicited generosity, so much arrogance from a country with little more than two hundred years of history, which proposes the only english in schools, which has discriminated against chicanos and Puerto Ricans and Oslo with Tirana, which geographically confused us sounds pure and simple imposition. If only for this reason, Americans and we still take, unfortunately, long time to come to understand us.

Movers And Shakers

Hi Friends, That there is Quiet as usual Ben here. Sorry we’ve been out of touch. With our car problems we’ve been busy behind us filmmakers – scouting new players, editing video for a chance to appear on Snag Films, learning how to dance merengue and bachata, getting our hair braided, and so on. I know, I know, some of these things may seem less important than others, but as they say, when in Rome … and when in the DR and get your Merengue hairbraiding on. In the following post, you’ll get a chance to see members of our crew cut a rug to some latin music, and you’ll also get tosee a picture of my brother with an embarrassingly bad hairdo, but first work people! Given a chance to appear on the front page of Snag Films, we’ve been hard at work at editing, cutting together a 7 minute clip about one of the players we’re following to present to the powers that be.Our subject was Yheraldy Medo-17 years old, 6’3, 185 lbs, a monster of a boy with an intense work ethic and some unusual practice techniques. Check out our film, in two parts: No word yet from Snag, but when we hear back, we promise to let you know. In other exciting news, we’ve found a 4th player to follow in our documentary, Junior Rosario, a 17 year old pitcher from an incredibly poor background with a longshot at being signed. Junior lives in a small sugar mill (slum) outside of San Pedro called Angelina. It is surrounded by picturesque sugar cane fields and built around the oldest sugar refinery in the DR. Houses are built from pieces of corrugated iron that used to be the roof of the now defunct sugar refinery. Clothes lines are made from barbed wire scavenger.The local baseball field is little more than a grassy field with a couple dirt lines etched into it for basepaths. Pigs and goats wander aimlessly about, and it is not unusual for practice to be halted due to a man riding a horse bareback across the field, full gallop. In spite of the immense poverty, Angelina is perhaps the most striking place we’ve encountered. As we walked through the narrow dirt roads, we could not help but notice the stunning beauty and vibrancy of the community. In every nook and cranny of the town something noteworthy is taking place – 3 men cooking over an open fire on the dirt, 20 people dancing and talking at the local grocer (Cornerstore) as if it were a barbershop in the 50s, a man sitting in the middle of the street getting his afro picked out. Everywhere you look there are bright paints, action everywhere you look. As filmmakers we could not have possibly asked for a more perfect place to shoot. I apologize that we have no pictures to show, the first few times there we were just scouting, but in the future we promise some beautiful photos from this stunning location. Ok, now that we’ve gotten all the important stuff out of the way, let’s get to the stuff you’ve all been waiting for, and by that I mean, embarrassing photos and videos of our crew members. Last Friday, we were invited by Yheraldy to hang out with him and his family for Carnival. While we did not get much filming done and while we missed many of the Carnival festivities, we still had a delightful day. Yheraldy’s cousin used to be a dance teacher at one of the all-inclusive resorts and we took advantage of the opportunity to learn a few Latin moves. Check it out below.

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