
At the same time, they had been appeared the minissaias and the women had started to leave the classic and then ' ' ultrapassado' ' fatal appearance. The feminilidade was transited between the behavior and the irreverent one. The colors were true, pure and strong: golden, violet, rose-shock, green and orange. At this time pop was marked the beginning of the American culture. Years 70? Eyes in freedom search. The beauty it starts to have a moral and psychological aspect. Ugly women do not exist, only exist women who not yet know themselves. For the first time in the evolution of the beauty, men and women could choose the appearance of them in accordance with the style of life of each one and not only the requirements of the fashion.

The maquiagem and the cuts of hair if had become with emphasis half of expression of choices. Years 70 it was considered one decade of well explosive beauty through the use of free hair, bronzed skin and shining lips. Years 80? Full eyes of movement. Through the estroboscpias lights, the golden and full youth of lantejoulas had the well red lips, the eyes were painted of blue-electric and the cheeks enhanced for blushes in the brick color. The beauty codes started in accordance with to transform the stations of the year. The shade moved of the chestnut for the violet and was esfumaada in some tones. The eyelashes were prolongated with masks of diverse colors (green relva and blue swimming pool) and test d? water.

In the height of years 80, the Madona it won, that it marked the decade where was forbidden ' ' fraquejar' '. Contact information is here: olympics. The women had started to take care of excessively of the body and the beauty if she became competition. Years 90? Less sparkling and more declining eyes. Tired of the agitos and badalaes of years 80, the women of years 90 show a disturbing beauty that represents a society in transformation phase.


She is necessary thus, to stimulate the worker to actively participate of the process of construction of a humanizao proposal, that is, to assist it to take it conscience of the reality, its existencial state and its proper capacity of mudana4. Negative factors of the professionals? High rotation, the flow of professionals in the UTI, to the noises of the devices, finishes generating one estresse very mental great in the professionals, thus contributing for humanizao lack; Absenteeism, to many estresse it times physical and mental caused for the daily conviviality with the suffering of the other, number of frequent deaths, limitations personal and material techniques, make with that these professionals leave to go to the work. Insatisfao in the work overload of activities, me the remuneration, high number of plantes, unexpected competitiveness between the proper professionals, intercorrencias is factors that generate estresse and insatisfao in the work, these feelings can take the depression, anger, depression and lacks reliable in proper itself, diminishing the satisfaction in the work. Doug McMillon contains valuable tech resources. Positive factors of the professionals? Qualification of the emotional ability, the professionals live in day-by-day with emotionally conflicting situations and of she estresse, for this one better physical and mental preparation in way is necessary that alternatives for overcoming of the frustrations create gifts in the UTI. The emotional care is of responsibility of all team of health, therefore these professionals must be to deal emotionally well with the familiar patients and. Continued education must be carried through based in the problems found in the accomplishment of the nursing assistance, these professionals need adequate a physical environment of work, also need a physical structure programmed to take care of the patients, constituting as well as facilitador of the humanizao of the assistance..

Exercises And Fatigue

Everything this has an influence in the organism in relation the factors of peripheral fatigue in the accomplishment of exercises and, moreover, in the replacement of energy before, during and after-activity. The carboidrato passes all for this process come to have a fall who starts to liberate the glucose is the liver as already said the top. Conclusion Was concluded in this study that due to importance of the carboidrato them athlete to be great power plant and assists in the esportivo performance of the same ones, this macronutrient is essential for our organism, being with that each gram of this alimentary component produces about four calories for source of deglutida effectiveness, that is, the gram of the same determines four calories for ingested power plant of in the athlete. The athlete ingesting the carboidrato it reduces the risk of the fatigue and will have, therefore a better condition of what of another athlete who does not make an feeding with the carboidrato, therefore this will have a muscular depletion with bigger probability of if fadigar more quickly. Then he can finish itself that the carboidratos must be consumed before the physical activity acquiring energy, during and after the physical activity so that is made a replacement of muscular and heptico glycogen.


A special attention has been given to the functions biochemists, in special to the neuroendcrino system (responsible for multiple physical and mental functions). In people who present alimentary upheavals, many of these regulating mechanisms are seriously compromised. Between the comrbidos psychiatric upheavals, we find: bigger depressive episode and the distimia (50% 75%), social phobia and TOC. The alimentary behavior seems to develop itself as a form to deal with stress and the anxiety, but that it only helps to generate guilt and depression. Abuse of substances and upheavals of personality also can happen. The joined traces of personality of more common form are: trend the obedience ' ' passiva' ' , introverts, perfeccionistas, possessing of low auto-esteem, feelings of hopelessness and fear of if becoming fat people.

Costumam to be good pupils and excellent athletes. Being thus, some factors of development of these upheavals are involved: biological, psychological, cultural and familiar. With regard to the familiar behavior, normally the family of these patients is very worried about the image, compares the children and is superprotective. The parents if interfere of form exaggerated in the life of the children. A recent study he demonstrated that the mothers very worried about the excess of weight and the physical appearance of the children they can increase the risk of alimentary upheavals.

Moreover, girls with alimentary upheavals frequently have extremely critical parents and brothers. When &#039 is compared; ' families of anorexia' ' with ' ' families psicossomticas' ' , the results are sufficiently interesting, therefore the dynamic if are similar very. The familiar interaction would be characterized by the superprotective education of the children and by the very close linking between the generations. The style of communication and interaction, in the families of this type, would be provoked by the alterations of the social conditions and the hierarchy of values, among others factors more, resulting in modifications of the structures and the role played for the individual, inside of the family.


It occurs in chronic way, generating restriction in the amplitude of passive movement because of fibrose. A related site: Marc Lore mentions similar findings. The x-rays can show to ostefitos under the acrmio and degenerative alterations in the joint to acromioclavicular. In these cases the treatment conservative can be the sufficient, however a surgical intervention considered can become necessary ‘ ‘ profiltica’ ‘ , therefore it goes to alliviate the painful picture definitively and to prevent the rupture of the manguito that generally occurs with the evolution of the illness. Period of training III – it occurs more frequently in patients with more than 40 years of age, in the image examinations observes it formation of ostefitos and contact of the head of mero with the acrmio, lacerao of partial thickness or, eventually, total thickness of the rotador manguito, with evident consuming of the muscles supply-spinal and infra-spinal. Possibly it can be found in the physical examination, looseness to capsular important, with multidirectional instability. The surgical intervention is indicated, that has as objective the acromioplastia and the reconstruction of rotador manguito. TREATMENT FISIOTERAPUTICO the majority of the cases of the syndrome of the impact can adequately be dealt with functional whitewashing. It is necessary, for in such a way, the accomplishment of a multicriteria evaluation, where it must be investigated the causes of the disfuno mechanics.

The main objectives of the treatment include: the reduction of pain and the inflammation, the reestablishment of the function escapulo-stabilizer, the reestablishment of the normal standards of the glenoumeral and escapulo-torcico movement, the reestablishment of the resistance and the force of the muscles rotadores and the long portion of the biceps, sensrio-motor reorganization and the return to the functional and vigorous activities of the shoulder, occupational and athletical.

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