
It is true that he probably really does not even remember who it is who gave object itself, but somehow wound up on the farm. Anyway, the gift is unlikely to be original and memorable. And if the nose birthday with a close acquaintance, friend, relative? And already the third (fifth, seventh) in this month? Even Do not think to question the correctness of the crocodile Gena, who assured him that “Unfortunately, a birthday only once a year.” Now you have a good excuse to get creative energy and creativity, making man the sea of joy with the minimum of financial cost. You just need to remember a series of simple “gift” rules: First, the gift can be useful, useless, strange and what you want, it’s important just to remember him joyous moment. Secondly, follows from the first: You only need to properly and tastefully it present.

And, thirdly, to bring to bear the inspiration and the preceding two points immediately start running! It is important that endows experienced state of Alice in Wonderland, felt the touch of fairy tale, albeit very short. And any nice and unexpected surprise creates such a condition. It’s important not pribarahlit man, and give him a moment of joy and / or a happy expectation. The foregoing above – is bald and did not understand the theory? Well, then, a few concrete examples “of life.” Choose the nearest fruit stall apple. Thing is the biggest and brightest. After that, we remember all that we know about apples.

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