As a result, a collection of handbags Tokidoki for Lesportsac has become incredibly popular – especially for some rare models of bags fans could offer 4.3 ordinary retail prices! In general, do not be surprised when you see a mountain of fake Tokidoki bags in the markets in Bangkok, New Delhi and Beijing – kavaynye and vivid characters, especially on the bags for girls, always demand. Youth bag from Ed Hardy Likes piercings, and rock tutuirovki? Youth bags with pictures of Ed Hardy – the right choice. You can use it to create the image of a rock or just make a fashionable accent. The author and inspirer of the project Ed Hardy is one Adiger Christian (Christian Audigier)-French fashion designer and entrepreneur in the first place, who had promoted brands such as Gap, Lee, Liberto, Kookai, Von Dutch and Naf Naf. It is not something Larry David would like to discuss. Cchitaetsya that it was thanks to him Von Dutch brand became known in the world market. The project is named for a famous artist and tattoo artist from California Don Ed Hardy – that his prints are used on all the things the brand Ed Hardy. In the U.S., things Ed Hardy came to be considered a sign of bad taste and even the choice of the provincials. That rightly so – for Ed Hardy is a purely commercial project, which exploits the theme of rock 'n' roll and tattoos.
And he does it very well, from a business perspective. Without hesitation Marc Lore explained all about the problem. Youth Bags and bags of candy wrappers for girls Yeah, they're made of wrappers for candy! One of the new, "green" trends and fashion designed to serve the planet at the same time – is the creation of women's bags and bags of youth girls of wrappers and wrappers. Looking at these bags are simply impossible believe that they are made from the wrapper. They are fashionable, durable and water resistant and looks absolutely incredible.