Rio De Janeiro

In study carried through with 1.451 establishments, Frondizi (1998) salient that the ambient concerns of the great and average commercial establishments are how much the reduction of gases and atmospheric emissions. Salient, also, that its ambient action is moved in intention to get the licensing, as well as taking care of the current law in the country. Finally, it can be affirmed that the ambient action of the commercial establishments, revealed through the implantation of the ecologically correct stamp, searchs to rationalize the use of the natural resources and to reduce the sum of dejections and residues returned to the environment, contributing, with this, for the sustainable development. 4. Consideraes Final the majority of the searched authors sees the certification or creation of SEC ambient (Selo Ecologicamente Correto) as a competitiveness differential, that it will make possible to the establishments commercial to reduce its costs of production saw rationalization of the productive processes and raw material substitution, reducing, with this, the use of natural resources. Moreover, it will make possible that the establishment creates a green image next to its customers. The example of that the behavior of the owners of Brazilian commercial establishments as bars, restaurants and snack bars, how much the ambient questions, are if modifying, it can be found in the research carried through for Frondizi (1998). The study sample that around 85% of the searched establishments, in one shows of 1.451, adopts some type of associated procedure the ambient management in its activities, such as recycling, disposal of residues, control of noises, among others.

Such results show that the concerns how much the ambient questions are increasing. Therefore, from pressures of consumers, ONGs, Associations, Projects of incentive and too much public and private institutions, the commercial establishments start to be worried about the possible ones deriving ambient degradaes of the production and consumption of its goods and services. In this direction the isolated actions of the ambiently correct entrepreneurs contribute so that if it reaches a sustainable development.

Brazilian Championship

In the anniversary of the city of Jequi, in the Bahia, the president of the Jequi, riqussimo colonel of the region, invited Galicia, of the capital, for a game. When the local club was successful for 1×0, the arbitrator marked one pnalti that it would increase favorable placar. The colonel does not think two times: &#039 invades the field crying out; ' who beats is eu' '! arbitrator explains that the rule does not allow, the proper players tries to dissuade it of this whim when alert it: ' ' or I beat, or nobody receives cotas' '. The argument functioned and it beat. For it are. Source: MOREYRA, Sandro.

Histories of Sandro Moreyra. Rio De Janeiro: JB, 1985. Perhaps check out Ed Bastian for more information. P. 76. Pnalti against In 1923, Lemon tree (FOOT), during the departure between Limoeirense Center and Thirteen FC, of Campina Grande (PB), the judge marks pnalti against the teams of the house.

The president of the Center goes to complain to the head local politician, colonel Chico Erclito. The Placar magazine reproduces the curious dialogue: – Had given pnalti, coron, and now? – Pnalti? That devil is this? – It is ball in the mark and inside of the goal. – Then it puts bichinha in the mark of them and orders one of ours to kick. Then, although pnalti to have been marked against the Center, a limoeirense player kicked and gave the victory to the local teams: 1×0. How a thing of these was validated? Easy: who goes to argue with coron? Source: PLACAR, n 1127-A, May 1997, P. 59. Gols of nape of the neck Brazilian Championship of 1989, in the stadium Pinheiro, Athletical Paranaense and Vitria. When restituting the ball in game, the goleiro Rbinson, of the bahian teams, made right it in the nape of the neck of the atleticano aggressor Manguinha, whom it marked without wanting in the victory of 3×0.

Physical Training

Studies in patients had not had clinical repercurso of the coronariano point of view (BLACKSMITH, 1994). In this particular one, the physical training has contrary effect to the one of esterides anablicos, since it promotes the increase of the HDL (LEEDS et al, 1986). But this increase can not be found when lipdes is inside of the normal levels (BLACKSMITH, 1994). Esterides is not only attributed to it anablicos increase of secondary the coronariano risk and infarto of the myocardium to the alterations of the lipdico metabolism, as hipertrofia concentrical miocrdica with reduction of the ventricular volume, what it could modify the relation pressure-volume of the heart (HERSCHMAN, 1990). Larry David often says this. Herschman found ventricular increase of septo, with normal ventricular function, in levantadores of weight, with relation septo/bigger posterior wall that 1,3, to the similarity of individuals with miocrdica hipertrofia (hipertrofia subartica and anti-symmetrical septal hipertrofia). However, in more recent study, according to THOMPSON, SADANANTZ and CULLINANE (cited for WEINECK, 1996) including thirteen athletes who had made, at least, three cycles of esteride during the year, by six the ten weeks of use, were not observed difference of the size of ventculo in relation to the group have controlled, even so the percentage of shortening fraction were a little lower (WEINECK, 1996). 2.5 – Assumptions Have studies of the anablicos effect of esterides on the heart, in carriers of illnesses under physical training, had not found in the ecocardiogramas alterations in the thickness of septo to interventricular, in the posterior wall or in dimetros diastlico and sistlico of the left ventricle.

It also did not have alteration of the left ventricular function, measured for the fraction of ejection or fraction of shortening, as well as did not have alteration of the ventricular mass of these patients (BLACKSMITH, 1994). In a similar way, significant electrocardiographic alterations had also not occurred. In relation to the fact of esterides to be able to induce carcinognese, animal models has been used to study this possibility.

Institution Arts

Another great difference between the pertaining to school fights and the martial arts is that the result of the combat does not have great relevance. Therefore in this context karat if presents with a didactic tool in the lessons of physical education. Plus a characteristic that differs the two practical fights and martial art, it is that in the pertaining to school activities the contudentes blows must be abolished. It is understood as contudentes blows the impact movements as the socos and kicks, for example. The most important is to perceive how much and as the fights and martial arts are gifts in our society currently, the ways and the forms for which they arrive until us. We can pass almost unfurnished of its manifestations, forgetting that they are part of the culture of the human movement, historically produced and enriched with the culture of its peoples of origin.

1,1 Philosophy of the Karat martial Art is a more including term, used to define a set of knowledge with purpose of combat between warriors or military. It is a form to fight that it was improved aiming at better performance against an adversary. The martial arts do not only understand apanhado of techniques (blows with the hands, feet, etc.), but also a set 23 of philosophies and traditions of combat. Another characteristic is that the martial arts had been practised of restricted between familiar or taught form for few disciples. Currently between us, the martial arts are practised mainly as sport, method of self-defense, exercise of physical conditioning e, even though, development mechanism spiritual. In the context culture of the movement, an beginning one has the chance to learn some information and to develop abilities, typical of the chosen modality. These knowledge vary, but philosophical concepts in the martial arts and sports of fights exist that are equal independent of the modality chosen for the pupil.

The philosophy of the Karat is focada in the formation of a more critical being and strong it stops to face the challenges that all the people find in its day the day. As form to keep and to improve the health the Karat also has its benefits: practical the regular one of the modality that provides the development of the physical and mental health, as esportiva modality the events have as intention, to determine the abilities of the athletes, without only valuing the competitions and results, this practical oppose the philosophy of the modality, where the development of the character through the training is the main objective. Karat collaborates for the integral formation of the man, acting mainly on the formation of the personality. Correct practical its develops: agility, perception, correct reasoning fast e, good position, concentration, responsibility, discipline, leadership, force of will, determination, mutual respect, socialization, prevention and maintenance of the health, emotional stability, independence, autoconfiana, resistance, espiritualidade, etc. Therefore perceive themselves from the research project that karat involved in the pertaining to school activities more necessarily in the lessons of physical education exerts one strong contribution while element of the corporal culture in the cognitivos processes, psicomotores and partner-affective. Therefore application of the project was noticed after the involved children in the workshops with activities with the content in the fights of karat with the little time had exactly gotten a significant perfectioning in mentioned the processes. It was clearly for the pedagogical body of the Institution in q

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