Translated by Adriana Roque as the Oxford Dictionary of English verb to get is one of the five most commonly used verbs in English. It is still considered informal and should be avoided in written formal documents, if possible. But it is obviously one of the most useful words in English. The verb get has much value in speech; It has impact, and this is a help to your listeners. For example, a correct grammatical question as Has she an hour free? is quite difficult to catch, understand the whole sentence seems to flow in a Word. But if you change it, Has she got an hour free? your listeners will understand you.
Get functions as a kind of flag or marker in speech, drawing attention to your words. It is likely that the great popularity of this verb is due to its tendency to help us talk. The lack of extreme formality to get use is demonstrated by the word, gotta, (Cap generally) pronounced). This word is not suitable, even in speech, but as a successful Street Word, OK all the words of the street world champion probably has a pedigree similar to OK in English. But I must say that the verb to get has a long history. Gotta or Cap-saving effort, as mean, have got to. Another very informal usage is Gotcha! that means in English, I’ve got you!.
This translates as I have you! in Spanish. An article on my website shows many examples of the most common meanings of llegar. It is impossible not to use to get and you should not hesitate to use it in many ways except in formal writing, if possible. On the other hand, if you want to expand your vocabulary should always think in a way better express yourself almost always there is a better than get Word. The verb to get isn’t usually the option more eloquent or more educated.