This economic system dominated by traditional economic relations, some are administrative, and market relations take place only when various external exchanges. Slavery as such does not bring significant change: the autocratic leader invariably slightly increased social position in society – the population freed from the worst labor, a few changes in the structure of demand and the economic system increases the proportion of administrative relations (management slaves) at the expense of traditional ones. The emergence of the state significantly changes the social situation, political system and economic system of society: the management of society is a group of people through the state apparatus, changing social structure and, accordingly, structure of demand, the economic system significantly increases the proportion of administrative (individual farms, textile mills) and market (internal and external trade) relations. These stages of development adopted called ‘pre-industrial levels’ (Bell) or ‘primitive communal, slave-owning and feudal system’ (Marx, Engels) in the various economic and political doctrines, is a recognition of reality and sequence of passage of this society, ways of development. Further development of the society (‘industrial’ period of D. Bell) or ‘capitalist’ by Karl Marx) is characterized by: – the rise of wealth and social status of the population, raising social consciousness, population growth and the population as a result, increased demand and structural change – involvement in Governance is not just certain groups, but the general population, ie expansion of “democracy” – the predominance of market relations in the economic system.