The Intelligence of Market consists of a permanent Cycle of information, having to be ethical to improve the competitiveness of the company. *figura: Process of IC the Intelligence of Market has as benefit in the company: To evaluate risks; To prevent Surprises; To identify to chances and threats; To foresee market changes; To point trends; To anticipate the action of competitors and other forces in the environment; To identify new incoming and substitute; Prescott and Miller (2002 characterize) it as the process to collect, to analyze eticamente and to apply, legal and, relative information to the capacity, deficiency and intention of the competitors, as well as monitoring the events of the general competitive environment, with the objective to subsidize the process of taking of decisions and the competitive planning. The fast economic changes, competitive, politics and, especially, technological registered by our markets demand that, each time more, let us filter the information better, organizing and using in our proper benefit. Figure: The cycle of IC of the Lexis-Nexis 1.1.TICA IN INTELLIGENCE the Code of Ethics (SCIP? Society of Competitive Inteligence Professionals) presents the practical ones of competitive intelligence, business-oriented under a strict code of ethics that if tronou a standard in world-wide the professional community. Some follow described: To pledge itself continuously to increase the recognition and the respect of the profession; To respect all applicable the national and international laws; To divulge all accurately the excellent information, including its identity and organization, before all the interviews; To respect all entirely the order for the confidencialidade of the information; To prevent conflicts of interests in the fulfilment of its duties; To supply to recommendations and honest and realistic conclusions in the execution of its duties; To inside promote this code of ethics of its company, with third and in the scope of the entire profession; To adhere faithful and to respect the politics, objectives and lines of direction of the company. .