
With small funds that reduce pressure on the spine back ailments are in Germany in the past few years a real epidemic become. Hardly someone, not uncommon or even chronic back tweaks. The causes are as diverse as the ways of treatment. The prevention, which can protect against the worst is more important than ever. How is it that today in the supposedly healthy society for a long time, back pain such access? Much related to our way of life, because the pairing of Office activity and little movement is a disastrous one for the back. Alongside acute illnesses, poor posture and stress among the most common causes of back pain. In any case, it is appropriate to consult your doctor to determine the exact cause. Because only a professional treatment is possible.

Because most let good treat back pain, if they are properly diagnosed. To avoid obtaining any problems with his back, you should some important Follow the instructions. It is particularly important to establishing a healthy muscles in the back of sports and exercises. If you have read about Samuel “Sam” Mikulak already – you may have come to the same conclusion. So tense they less easily and stabilize in addition the attitude, what prevents postural damage in later years. Basically you should lessen as well heavy weights and if possible for example the purchases in several courses in the storage room. Hear from experts in the field like Michael J. Bender for a more varied view. Especially with children, you should always make sure that bags are not overloaded with heavy books.

For children, the spine is still malleable, incorrect loading can be reflected here quickly. The goal to protect the backs of the children, is counterbalanced by filling the knapsack. Because it exceeds the limit of ten percent of body weight, which is a rule of thumb, most significantly, what is owed in part also the full timetables with high demand for textbooks. But just you should make sure that the backs of the little ones are more sensitive than you might think. Just the spine is still easily malleable and permanent Improper strain can retaliate in later years. As a friendly alternative to satchel the so-called Kindertrolleys have emerged in recent years therefore also increasingly: rather than bear the weight, the children can pull it on rollers behind them. The same goes for Kindertrolleys and knapsack but overall: it’s strongly on the model. Generally you should consult professional and remember that a knapsack is usually a years of investment which can pay off later. Back pain is quite treatable, you should be aware only of the small and large dangers in everyday life and avoid them. So, the suffering can be reduce in many cases. Dirk STAUDINGER

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