It can be used for reduced thyroid function, as well as in areas of endemic iodine deficiency. With a lack of iodine in the body there is a decrease in basal metabolism, clinically it is expressed in lethargy, memory loss, tendency to edema and accumulation of fat. Filling the lack of iodine in this case helps to speed up breakdown of fat and reduces the data display. Blueberries contain glycosides and mirtillin neomirtillin, lowering blood sugar levels. Pectic substances present in blueberries, absorb intestinal toxins, improve digestion. Laktaviya can be used in dietary people with excess weight, aging, athletes, children, women in premenopause and menopause, patients suffering from various chronic diseases, as well as during the recovery period after suffering a communicable disease. In the weight loss program is important understand that if you drink a dozen donuts and laktaviey big piece of fried chicken, your chances to lose weight drastically reduced. It is very important – eat less and move more.
Laktaviya – not a means for weight loss, and low-calorie and tasty source of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, which help to maintain calm and moderate reduction kalorazh appetite by reducing the risk of development of avitaminosis and dismikroelementozov. Laktaviya help you comfortably and easily lose weight without feeling any discomfort, and its sweet taste will keep a sense of "dolce vita" with any diet. Laktaviya – a food product, so it can you do not apply courses, and continuously or intermittently, depending on your desires. We recommend to use it throughout the course of weight loss. Workshop "Lose Weight correctly," 1. Grow thin just having fun! Not use techniques that produce mental or physical discomfort, do not force yourself. You may have to try a dozen ways to lose weight until you find one that suits you. After all, if there is one universal way, others would simply not available.