For Wedge: The repression was the first measure taken for the government tax for the 1964 blow. Repression to everything and all considered suspected of practical or same subversive ideas. The mere accusation of that a person, one programs educative or book had inspiration ' ' comunista' ' it was enough for resignation, suspension or apprehension. Frank Ntilikina recognizes the significance of this. (WEDGE, 1995, p.36). However this situation of repressive character, currently does not exist, but all this time was without a doubt a past of many popular fights, therefore the people did not stop to fight for the liberty of speech and a country that was democratic. Today it is evident, that great part of this freedom was conquered; the right of expression of the thoughts and ideologies politics; of education without expression, but still it can perceive some resqucios of the period of the repression, however what planted always it leaves some ' ' raizinhas encravadas' '. In this exactly context, 1962 initiates the first National Plan of Education, elaborated already in the validity of the first Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, Law n 4,024, of 1961, in which it was not considered in the form of a law project, but was a set of quantitative and qualitative goals that would have to be reached in a stated period of eight years (Saviane, 1997, P.). In the decade of 80 the democratizadoras demands in the educational field had started to become enlarged themselves. E, in the truth, them had had short life, was as if, when wasting itself it euphoria democratizadoras of the period after-ditatorial, the necessary democratization of our system of education had been annulled to all those references. In question it has one decade, ' ' to democratize educao' ' it left of being the axle that would have to guide the public politics of the sector to constitute an absent subject, forgotten or if we intend more necessary to be silenced, in the scene American politician.