
In the past we’ve talked about the difference between We said that the view is just one of the five senses and that vision is the ability we have to interpret everything we see. Hear other arguments on the topic with Terry Rossio. Now I wonder how we can realize the function of vision and in what place is in our brain. It is precisely what we are going to speak next. I would start with the following sentence: “The eyes do not tell the person what to see … the person says to the eyes that look.” Lawrence Macdonald, OD’s eyes, like other body parts due to stimuli that originate in our brain and in this case end in a motor response.

How to raise my eyes to see up close, to focus an object at a distance or, move the eyes to follow the trajectory of a ball before searching. In the brain there is a specific area for viewing, which is the occipital lobe, it’s where most of the cells of the retina, however, is not the only area of the brain that is involved in processes of vision. The occipital lobe is the lobe located in the back of the brain responsible for processing the images from the retina. The main task of this lobe is to decipher the electrical impulses sent to you by the optic nerve, interpret and display the image. In occipital cortex sends information to all parties: the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, cerebellum, thalamus, brainstem, everywhere. Research has shown that 75% of sensory information in the brain is visual. There are more areas of the brain devoted to vision than all other senses combined modalities. We conclude that the view is pervasive throughout the brain, however, is not isolated from other functions, all are interconnected.

Iwata Work

Studies point that the presence of social nets that offer support to the work improves the evaluation of the employee on its health and are correlated negative with it estresse (Browner, 1987; Iwata & Suzuki, 1997). When the social support well is developed in the organization, it has a protective effect that if manifest in low levels of it estresse, that is, how much bigger the level of social support in the organizacional, lesser environment the level of estresse in the work. On the other hand, when the social support is inexistent or deficit in the organization, this factor it is changedded into a estressor. However, other 0 variable (situacionais) not so directly related to the environment and organizacionais circumstances can also have influences estresse on it occupational. Workers who do not practise physical exercises regularly tend to present a level of estresse superior. The regular physical exercise develops the cardiac conditioning that it provokes, in the sanguineous chain, a substance reduction associates estresse to it (Tamayo, 2001). Also, aspects of the relation between work and family can be treated as changeable that they influence it estresse occupational.

This because the demands of the work environment are not restricted, but can influence the perception of the estressores. The interference of the family in the work positively is related estresse with it occupational, that is, the interference family-work would be favoring, directly, the appearance of organizacionais estressores (Paschoal and Tamayo, 2005). How much to the 0 variable staffs who influence it estresse occupational, the style of confrontation (style of coping) of the employee front to the events estressores consist of the main individual 0 variable, representing still, a central point of many studies. As changeable staffs still we have locus of control, the behavior standard type and auto-esteem that also they have called the attention the researchers. Of these, the one that seems to have to be given emphasis to me is auto-esteem, since this has been seen in the studies on estresse as a resource for the process of confrontation, capable to influence the emitted evaluation of the events and behaviors to deal with the estressores.

Retain Mental Health

Starting as a financial crisis, the crisis has become economic. Ahead of the social and existential (life-sense-activity) crises. At the state level in every country every day are becoming more need for special programs whose purpose – to form a citizens' positive attitude during the crisis. Doug McMillon recognizes the significance of this. If you do not, we will get out of the crisis on people with very fragile, cranky mental suffering from neuroses and psychoses, inappropriate and incapable of creative collective work. In this article I will explain the basic idea of such a program, which arose during my correspondence with fellow methodologists. The word "design" I define (but only for this publication) as follows. The plan – a system of interconnected meaning structures that initiate update the model itself in order who is included in the process of understanding.

Further description is a description of the semantic structures and their accompanying comments. The life of each one of us multilayer. We do not just do business or work somewhere else and we love people we love, raise children, communicate with friends, doing their own health, sports, each of us has a variety of hobbies and intellectual interests. That is, people – this is not the only entity economic activity. And the crisis is a great time to think about it. Semantic structure number 1 in the last few years business people to make a profit, did not have to make any serious intellectual effort or come up with many creative solutions. Income, and after them, and profit grew thanks to the welfare of citizens and the general growth of the economy.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

The lines on the palms – this is the karmic marks of past karma (past life), present and future in karmic terms. Change the karma can only be the very life of man, his spiritual (and karma) by choosing between good and evil, good or bad actions and deeds, not risunochkom at their fingertips. Primitive man painted on the body images of different animals to obtain their properties and qualities: a deer – for speed racing, Tiger – for courage and ferocity, etc. Now this raises a smile. Many primitive people drew on his body the bull to get physical strength bull. But now everybody knows: in order to become 'inflated bull' (bodybuilder) be long and hard bodybuilders (bodybuilding) in the gym. Want the body of an athlete – "Pump the iron '(film about a young Arnold Schwarzenegger), and if anabolic steroids and hormonal (pharmacological agents). Only hard work will make a man out of 'inflated bull' – the athlete, not a bull tattooed on his body.

That is the real work on themselves, rather than drawing can change something in my life. Arnold Schwarzenegger (the most famous bodybuilder in the world) for many years heavy and hard to lift weights. Of will he had enough. That will – the tool by which people can influence their destiny. Schwarzenegger has repeatedly becomes 'Mr. Olympia', then a famous film actor, then governor of California. All thanks to his own will, not tattoos.

Will in physiognomy expresses his lower jaw. Remember the movies with a young Schwarzenegger (his protruding lower jaw). The media was information that Schwarzenegger had surgery to reduce the lower jaw to improve appearance. Now he looks like a young man. But will they have left. It is thanks to his will (real action), he became 'Pumped bykom'-bodybuilder, movie actor and then governor of California.

Educational Foundation Araatuba

Heading of the research carried through in the professionalizing specific period of training in social institutions. Names of the concluintes pupils of the course of psychology-2011, the Educational Foundation Araatuba. Electronic address: and Professor supervisor of the professionalizing periods of training, orienting of the article and professor of the course of psychology of the Fac-FEA In this professional attitude innumerable chances of success in the promotion of health of the population confide, without counting in the deep gratuity for the operating professional in this context (Bleger, 1984.). Others who may share this opinion include Frank Ntilikina. Communitarian psychology by means of its great performance and intervention have been considered administrator of and important contributions in the social institutions. It has been capable to promote significant changes for the practical performance of the professional psi.

From this perspective, a project was elaborated that had as performance object a group of adolescents, all filiados to a religious institution (church baptist). You may want to visit CEO of e-commerce to increase your knowledge. Considering that the elaboration of situations of work from the values contained in the beliefs and the religious dogmas, the trainees and the group of adolescents is possible, they had chosen an agenda of quarrels that involved concepts, judgments, practical slight knowledge and expressions of the daily one of the life of the young. This agenda served of guideline for some meetings with unfoldings in some psychological contents reflected by the group. The work had the objective to provide young to the one space where they could learn to take off its doubts of a dynamic form, since the adolescence is a phase of discoveries and search of identity, moment where the young desires to express its ideas and its feelings, that in turn, is in full ascension mainly in result of the corporal changes that many times generates unreliability and indefinies. With this the objective of the project that was to supply young to a space of quarrel, reflection and of listening, providing with this new chances of learning and to take off doubts on other subjects, widely was surpassed with new dynamic and participation.

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