Louis Pasteur

There was a garden, where a bronze bust of Louis Pasteur, Sechenov, Darwin, Mendeleev, and the alleys built two fountains. One of them is a monument to the dog. "Among the thick foliage, a broad avenue was built swimming pool in the form of a round bowl of gray smooth stone. Speaking candidly Samuel “Sam” Mikulak told us the story. In the middle stands a cylindrical pedestal on which sits in a quiet position the bronze dog, full of life-size sculpture of I. F.

Bespalov. Pricked his ears, she was "clever" dog eyes looking off into the distance. This is not the image of your favorite dog Pavlov. This is a monument to the nameless dog, the dog at all. More specifically, the idea of the monument is disclosed in the four bas-reliefs that decorate the pedestal, and explanatory captions.

The pedestal is hollow and made of rolled into a cylinder of sheet copper on the upper edge is decorated with sculptural images of heads of dogs of various breeds, from the mouths of copper dogs in the summer hit the water jet. At one of the bas-relief depicts four men in robes, in front of them on the table – prepared for surgery the dog. At the bottom of the inscription: "Let the dog's assistant and friend of man from prehistoric times, sacrificed science, but our dignity compels us to it happened without fail and always without unnecessary cruelty. Pavlov. " On another bas-relief – five dogs, one with fistula. The inscription reads: "A dog, thanks to its long-standing arrangement to a man, her shrewdness, patience and obedience, is even with the noticeable joy for many years, and sometimes a lifetime, the experimenter.

German Ceiling

In addition, mounting rack, or cluster of ceilings can implemented at any stage of repair: pokleennye wallpaper walls and laid a laminate or engineered wood does not suffer from the mud. Secondly, it is possible wet cleaning, including the use of detergent compositions. Third, the easy access to all built-in zapotolochnoe space communications. Repair of HVAC equipment and the replacement of its individual elements there is no difficulty, after all, reiki, and cassettes are easily removed and then re-assembled on place. Fourth, water resistant. This advantage of suspended ceilings, metal makes it possible to use them in damp rooms: bathrooms, swimming pools, shower rooms, laboratories, etc. For the same reason ceilings will not be affected in case of emergency "flood": bar, filled with dirty water, just disconnected from the suspension system, washed, wiped and re-attached in the right place.

Fifth advantage is fire, allowing installing tape and suspended ceilings in the rooms, which are special requirements for fire safety. Rack and cluster ceilings serve for decades, with no need additional care. Large selection panel allows you to make the ceiling meets the tastes of the most stringent aesthetes. Matte and glossy, mirror and texture, color and perforated models can be used for create a monolithic coating, or design option, which gives an unique and elegance to any room. The only thing that can stop the buyers is the price: it's a bit higher than that of the drywall.

However, should think twice: a need to save on construction, which is not done for a year or even five years? All costs, subject to purchase quality goods, pay off very soon. Once paid for materials and installation, you will be able to live peacefully for years without worrying about his ceiling. And if suddenly, by a strange coincidence, one of the elements of the ceiling system is damaged, it can simply be replaced without dismantling the entire design. Modern design ceilings for rooms for public use are increasingly involves the use of rack and cassette ceiling systems. They are not only attractive but also durable, long lasting, reliable. One way to create spectacular ceiling was the application of new perforated tapes made of his own design company Geipel. Products are perfectly combined with smooth panels that significantly increases the number of options for interior decoration. Real German quality, the possibility of uniform illumination devices with embedded lights Geipel – this is your opportunity to resettlement beautiful and comfortable rooms.

Baby Gift

Surely a baby is like music. Now there are many different "audio" for babies, some of them, for example, attached to the crib and soothe the baby lullabies songs. You can give him a disk with the quieter tunes, under which so nice to fall asleep, and can present a collection of nursery rhymes, performed by the children (as young as two months crumb will be happy to "sing"). If you would like to know more then you should visit Doug McMillon. Now crumb became interested in toys. It's time for him to buy some bright and voiced rattles.

Since they are usually not cost too high, you can buy as a gift a "set": Let parents give the baby a toy one, then another – and he soon learn to distinguish between them. An excellent gift today will wear. Many children are only in this age begin dressed in a shirt and sliders to this content with only vests and diapers. Do not be afraid that nadarennoy clothing can be too much. As practice shows, the crumb will be an excellent mountain of clothes (sorry, Mom then All this is not so easy to wash and iron).

By the way, always a welcome gift is diapers (nappies) Baby feels much more comfortable in them, and the parents relaxed. The second birth of the baby all the holiday likes to swim. So you can give yourself a set created for swimming. Let it will include shampoo, skin, herbs for brewing (Motherwort calms, a succession of saves from irritation of the skin), oil (Lavender helps to fall asleep easier and sleep tight).

The Beauty

Can be carried out after throwing a mandatory evening bath before sleep, and you can share them on time. Herbalife has many thoughts on the issue. First, in a basin of cold water or directly under the faucet for a few seconds lowered legs baby. Then, confident movement, a wide stream poured down the whole body of the bucket, trying to maximum body surface area in a short time try to contact with water. Traditionally accompanied by drenching the cry "To your health!". Randall Rothenberg contains valuable tech resources. After – the baby wrapped in a diaper and put to the breast.

Normal reaction – anciently known for its healing and tonic properties. As the heat is used bath, sauna, hot water, as cold – the ice-hole swimming pool, cold water. One of the earliest methods of contrast Tempering is a "cold spot". Child is bathed in a bath of warm water from the tap and let the general stream of cold water. Bring the kid to the point of mixing cold and warm water, hold on "cold spot" is left out there for a few seconds, returned to the warm water. Older children will approach this game: while bathing in a bath with your child put a bowl or bucket with cold water. While playing, he will certainly dabble in the pelvis. The beauty of this procedure, the cold is that it is not imposed from the outside, it's just a game and causes only positive emotions.

A baby gets used to the cold water so that one day will want to pour cold water on this myself, and this is his only cheer, but not scared. Two basin – with hot and cold water – another interesting game. If they are put into the bath, you can cross from one to another, as if walking through puddles. A benefit of this contrasting foot with the child in a cool pool. Regular (1 per week) visit to Bath with small children is very beneficial effect: the child improves sleep, a common condition, it is better to tolerate temperature fluctuations. Good help heat when starting a cold or flu. After the pool with a sauna and a well-baby normally sleeps for a long time. We wish you and your baby's health and love!

Installation MPCS

Repair and rehabilitation of hydraulic structures. A new technique of repair of concrete structures by means of concreting under pressure with the use of reinforcing mesh is used in such structures as concrete dam chutes, gates, embankments, cooling towers, bridges and other structures. Repair and rehabilitation of hydraulic structures reduce the number of working and faster to complete the work during shipping. Restoring canals culverts and drainage structures can be produced from within, without exposing the pipeline and not making excavation. Repair of buildings and structures. Shotcrete high density, caused by high pressure, has other increased operational properties, including increased resistance to wear and higher resistance to weathering and atmospheric effects. Samuel “Sam” Mikulak wanted to know more. Shrinkage is also lower than that of conventional concrete.

Waterproofing, waterproof cover (tunnels). Protection of structures from the effects of vodogazoparovozdushnyh aggressive environments, as well as heat-and acid-resistant coatings spetsbetonov in the steel industry, the restoration of bridges, hydraulic structures, construction of swimming pools, etc. Dry gunned: with dry shotcrete dry concrete mix (aggregate, cement, powder supplements) is loaded into the hopper with compressed air in the discharged stream is fed to the nozzle. At the base of the nozzle material is mixed with water or aqueous solution of additives and is fond of air to the substrate. In a collision with the substrate is concrete sealing. Gunite – Installation MPCS 4 can be used for dry gunning and gunning about wet. The advantages of dry shotcrete: Does not require pre-mixing with water. Ability to feed the mixture to a large distance.

Aysinin Heating

The foam has excellent adhesion to all surfaces and in the process of applying fills tiny cracks and gaps. Secondly, the foam Aysinin has a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer. Foam is not curtailed, not deformed and does not age during the entire period of operation. Third, environmental Aysinin confirmed by the international "green" organizations. As part of the foam no formaldehyde, phosgene, phenol, styrene, boric acid and any other harmful compounds. Warming of the roof or attic Aysinin involves three steps: 1.

Setting the frame. 2. Drawing directly from within Aysinin on the stove. 3. Plating coating materials. Foam insulation Aysinin more than 20 years used in Canada, U.S., Europe and Japan for insulating the roof, floor, facade or interior walls and insulation integrated frame houses. Insulation of the basement.

For insulation basement, which is another source of loss of much of the heat, you can use foam glass. This porous material is characterized by low thermal conductivity and high mechanical strength, which is several times higher than that of fibrous materials and foam. Water does not cause any impact on the foam glass as it consists of a hermetically closed cells, and the material of the walls – the usual silica glass. It pulls no moisture and does not miss her, when used in walling creates an additional barrier against water. If the damage is waterproof to prevent the spread of water, both in vertical and horizontal directions. Water resistant foam glass allows it to over time to prevent ice formation, provide full protection against corrosion and high-quality thermal regulation. Foam glass is resistant to both fresh and salt water. The guaranteed use of foam glass blocks with preservation of the values of the physical characteristics of the material is the same as building maintenance. The heating system must combine low costs with high efficiency. That is, necessary to pass with minimal loss of heat the house. For this purpose it is expedient to use the system, which combines solid-and electric boilers and accumulators coolant. This combination, as shown experience, is one of the most effective ways to ensure the lowest cost. Will also become an indispensable water heating through the floor heating. First of all, with hot water sexes do not have to worry about protecting from the electromagnetic field and the necessary power supply (30-50 kW per cottage). Second, given the current value of the ratio of hot water and electricity capital costs for water heating floor will be repaid in 7-12 years, and in the future (and the floor is designed for 50 years) it would be cheaper. This method of heating saves energy through lower coolant temperature and provide additional comfort in the premises for primary hot water, as well as to provide hot water solar collectors can be used to provide your home with hot water even in winter and in summer they can be heated buffer tanks and even swimming pools. The use of solar collectors can cover up to 80% of annual hot water needs and 50% for heating.

The Diet

If the child has no temperature – you can swim as usual. Presence reactions at the injection site – not a contraindication to swimming and even vice versa. The first night after privivkiChasche all, the temperature response to inactivated vaccines (DTP, etc.) occur in the first days after inoculation. In the case of DTP vaccines: prophylactic sure to give your child a fever the night, even if the temperature is normal at this time. Keep on hand analgin. Official site: Randall Rothenberg. If you have any strong reaction temperature (38.5 C and above) give once a child one-quarter of 0.5 g tablets analgina. In children older than 2 years the dose may be increased to one-third of a pill.

When the temperature reactions do not neglect the child rubbing with warm water. Do not use rubdowns vodka – it irritates and dries the baby skin. Do not forget that the daily dosage of paracetamol is not unlimited. When possible overdose serious complications. Carefully read the instructions to the drug, which use (Panadol, Efferalgan, Tylenol). In any case, do not use aspirin. Its use in young children can have serious complications.

The first two days after vaccination (inactivated vaccine – the DPT, DT, hepatitis B, Hib vaccine, IPV), take those drugs for prevention of allergic disorders, which are prescribed by a doctor. Continue to take fever-reducing drugs according to the instructions, if the temperature remains increased. DPT vaccine. Keep the temperature of the body of a child. Try to keep it from rising above 38.5 C (under the arm). In some of the children at the background temperature increase may cause the so-called febrile seizures. Take fever, without waiting for temperature rise. With a child can and should walk, can and must bathe him. The exception is when a child due to increased temperature or independent of vaccination. If there was Mantoux test done – if you swim try to keep water from getting to the place of production samples. Do not forget that the pot is too fluid, so be careful to handle the child does not sweat. Do not enter a new product in the diet child (and his, if the child is breastfed). This can be done on the third day after inoculation and later. In the case of DTP, Td, in gepatitnyh and Td vaccines. When the strong reactions at the injection site (swelling, Seal, red) do hot compress or simply attach periodically moistened with water tissue. If anti-inflammatories are not already, begin to give them. After 5-12 days after vaccination If vaccinations with live vaccines (polio drops of OPV, measles, mumps, rubella) adverse reactions usually occur 5-12 days after vaccination. If there is any reaction, but the vaccine was made did not live vaccine, the vaccination with a 99% probability has nothing to do with it. The most common cause of temperature and some other reactions in young children are cutting teeth, the older children – common cold infection.

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